Hello, Are You REALLY Listening?
Successful collaboration requires listening. For something that seems so simple and natural on the surface, listening is far from simple or easy when we dive deeper. We recently read this profound observation about listening from the actor Alan Alda: … [Read more...]
Can You Pass the Credibility Test?
Political season always makes us think about the power of Evidence Questions. In the Precision Q+A framework, Evidence Questions aren’t just about analyzing data, they also help us assess credibility and weigh reasons for and against a position. A political position involves balancing pros and cons, weighing upsides and downsides, and marshalling support for a conclusion. This month we have the perfect opportunity to practice asking about evidence in order to build our credibility. Faced with … [Read more...]
The one question that yields better focus
We have all noticed that our attention is in constant demand. Multiple communication channels, myriad interruptions, and technological distractions can keep us from bringing our full presence to our work. At Vervago, we have recently re-named a category of question, formerly Go/NoGo Questions, as Focus Questions, reflecting the growing importance of controlling our energy and attention in our work. This growing prominence of Focus Questions for the quality of work is reflected in psychologist … [Read more...]
“Great Question”
David, a Sr. Finance Manager who participated in a recent Discover Your Best Thinking with Precision Q+A workshop in Silicon Valley, asked: “Sometimes I say ‘That's a great question' before I answer questions in meetings. Should I be more direct and just answer?" It depends on the type of meeting. This month’s Skill Sharpener addresses David’s question in relation to collaborative problem-solving meetings. Next month we’ll address his question in the context of review … [Read more...]
Preparing for Review Meetings
This Skill Sharpener summarizes what most leaders expect in review meetings, and how you can best prepare for them. It also answers a question that was asked by a senior manager who recently attended a Discover Your Best Thinking with Precision Q+A workshop: “Sometimes I say ‘That's a great question' before I answer questions. Should I be more direct and just answer?" It depends on whether you are in a review meeting or a collaborative problem-solving meeting. Read on to learn more about … [Read more...]
So Much To Say, So Little Time
Developing expertise in our work is fulfilling, and when customers and colleagues call on us it feels gratifying. As we spend time in a domain, we come to see all the nuance and detail. But expertise also comes with a hidden cost: we are inclined to share all that detail with others who don’t need or understand it. If we don’t disrupt this dynamic, it hinders us from effectively making use of our expertise. The 4Practices of Precision Answering offer a helpful path toward making our expertise … [Read more...]